Asterix & Obelix XXXL: The Ram from Hibernia

Asterix & Obelix XXXL: The Ram from Hibernia

(PEGI - Standard)

Oct 27, 2022
  • Fighting
  • Hack and slash/Beat 'em up
  • Adventure
  • Microids
  • OSome Studio
Offline play
(*) Download required
(*) Disclamer: PS5 consoles with detachable disc drive (CFI-20xx models) require an internet connection to activate the disc drive at the setup.

Only tested single player mode.
Other than the noted areas performance is very solid and the game is enjoyable from start to finish.

However, it comes with quite a few issues:

Trophies for story progress don't unlock for the first two levels. Replaying the levels from level select doesn't change that.
Certain autosave points are placed in a weird way. E.g., after completing the first Roman camp, the save spot is still within the camp and you have to leave the camp again to spawn the mission summary. Your stats will have beeen saved for the completion of the camp, though.
In the concert level, after unlocking the entire right part of the map and moving on to the left portion of the level, we were killed and respawned somewhere in the middle of the right half, with a music puzzle and the adjacent gates still unfinished and an area still populated with enemies despite clearing the whole part of the map prior.
Encountered severe camera issues. After restarting from the checkpoint mentioned above we came across another music puzzle we solved earlier. This puzzle was indeed saved as completed, but when entering the area the camera would zoom out and stay on that area despite us walking out of the picture. Switching characters refocused the camera.
In another instant after restarting from the above checkpoint we took another way directly to the mentioned area where enemies were still present. You also approach one of the gates connected to the mysteriously unsolved music puzzle. When that happens, the camera moves away from the characters to show the area of the puzzle. However, we had already engaged the fight and the camera cutting away led to losing almost our entire health in the meantime, as the game isn't paused during these moments.
Observed the HUD character portrait getting stuck on Obelix despite playing with Asterix.
Observed the prompt for the special attack staying on screen despite it not being ready.
Noticably low frame rate in the rainy cliffs level.
In the cliff level one of the enemies was pushed out of bounds where you couldn't reach him anymore, forcing a restart from the last checkpoint.
Parts of the final cutscene ran at a low framerate, making it look stuttery.
Medals for the camps were not registered for the collection at all during campaign playthrough. Replaying a camp from level select doesn't register the medals either. Therefore, trophies for medals also don't unlock.
Golden helmets from the first two levels are not registered correctly for the collection either. Replaying the first level from level select did register all helmets after that.

Text Languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Czech.
Audio Languages: French, German, English.

Review copy provided by Microids.

Tested by DoesItPlay on Base PS5