PS Vita
(ESRB - Limited Run Games)
Offline play
Download required
Tested by DoesItPlay on Vita OLED
Test Notes:
* Runs at 30 FPS. Some frame rate drops can occur during combat with a lot of enemies on screen.
* During the Bullhead Court trial the counter block stopped doing damage to certain enemies after a few attempts. Reloading the game fixes the issue.
* During the Mancer Observatory trial, after failing and the trial resetting, the game got stuck on a white screen. Relaunching the game was required.
* When starting the game it will ask to turn Wi-Fi on. This is only for Cross Save and Leaderboards. Does not affect being able to play any content.
* New Game Plus and Score Attack modes unlock after finishing the game.
* All trophies earned unlocked properly.
Content Completed:
* Main story completed.
* All weapon trials complete.
* All reflection trials complete.
Additional Notes:
* Version 1.00 on cart.
* Cart ID: PCSE-00790
* Spine ID: 2204499
* Number of players: 1
* Audio language supported: English
* Subtitle language supported: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
* Accessibility options: N/A
* Quality/Performance option: No