Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon

Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon

(ESRB (Middle East/Southeast Asia) - Standard, Revision 000)

Mar 17, 2023
Offline play
Download required

Version 1.0.0. Currently no patches available at the time of testing.

Completed the game 100%, which includes finding all journals, locating all wisps, finding all remembrance locations, completed all Tir na nog levels, found all chests within the Tir na nogs levels, and completed all challenges with the platinum clear times.
In addition, we opened a lot of chests within the over-world areas, but not all of them, nor are they needed for 100% completion. Most costumes were unlocked and we completed a secret within the game but again, this is not needed for 100% completion.

Noticed no major bugs or issues.

A few minor things occurred.

On one occasion, we were attempting to travel over a vine, and Bayonetta started to stutter back and forth. This fixed itself quickly.

On another occasion, we got stuck between two big rocks but were able to escape them relatively quickly. Some minor pop in did occur as well, though we only noticed it twice.

There is one thing related to 100% completion that can be a bit of an annoyance. There is a skill tree available throughout the game, and one skill is unable to be unlocked until the final boss is completed/beaten. Unfortunately, it did not unlock once we had beaten the final boss. We had to go back and beat the boss a second time, and only then, were we able to unlock the last skill tree item and get 100% completion.

Difficulty options: No difficulty options when starting the game for the first time, but a harder difficulty does unlock once the game is completed at least once.

Accessibility options:
- Damage taken can be altered/reduced
- Magic Usage could be full at all times or normal
- Binding combo/chomp can be changed between hold/release or tap.
- Enemy strength can be altered/reduced.
- Witch pulse can be changed between manual or automatic.
- Guiding lights can be turned on or off.

For the harder difficulty that is unlocked after completing the game, these accessibility options become unavailable.

Languages: English, Japanese, French, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Russian, and Korean

Voice languages: English or Japanese.

No DRM. Played only in handheld mode for this test.

Tested by Nintendo Revised on Switch OLED