Beholder 2
(PEGI - Red Art Games, Revision 000)
Offline play
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Tested by DoesItPlay on Base Switch
Version 1.0.3 on cart.
Front cart code: LA-H-AUZDA-EUR
Back cart code: AUZDA19B000
Observed very slight stuttering throughout entering the ministry for the first time in the prologue.
German translation has multiple errors/typos.
Observed several instances in which an NPC was moving in between the player character and a dialogue partner, briefly blocking our movement as a result.
During the first floor chapter the option to break into desks stopped working after the first time. It is unclear whether the game wanted the player to proceed in a certain way or if this is a bug. The option to break into certain NPCs’ desks resumed after getting rid of the respective characters, but this also coincided with obtaining the skill to break a different kind of lock.
When processing the forms at your desk, sometimes after completing a batch of five, the screen doesn’t display the confirmation screen to process the next batch. Pressing “A” at the end of the last request will then automatically start a new batch, costing you two hours of time again.
Encountered a bug during processing the forms on floor 12. Despite no valid task given, placing any stamp on the form still resulted in a fail in a few cases. This issue might have been caused by translation errors in German text. You can always reload the autosave to try again with a different request, though.
If you eliminate all co-workers for the competition on each floor, the option to join the competition will still reappear at the phone you use to report misconduct or info about your co-workers. If you choose it again, it will simply tell you that you’ve already won the competition, but the option will remain visible as a choice.
Played the first quarter and the finale in docked mode, rest of the game in handheld mode.
Performance in docked mode is slightly worse, but nothing too worrying.
Review copy provided by Red Art Games.