Xbox 360
(ESRB - Standard)
Offline play
Download required
Tested by Community Report on Xbox 360 S
Voice, text and subtitles: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
Language is tied to system settings.
Game completed. Chose to save all Little Sisters.
Issues found:
-When turned on, the subtitles often change before the corresponding line of dialogue is done being spoken. The issue is especially pronounced in cutscenes, leading to cases where the subtitles quickly spoil the entire conversation before ending abruptly.
-Listening to audio logs in quick succession will jumble up their subtitles.
-Save files are organized by date and time. Since the Xbox 360 console resets its date when unplugged, the files may not appear in the order in which they were actually created.
-Encountered one freeze, which required restarting the console.
-Observed the visual effect of an enemy cutting through a door persisting even after it has been opened.
All in all, the game works very well outside of the subtitle issues.