PS Vita
Borderlands 2
(ESRB - Standard)
Offline play
Download required
Tested by DoesItPlay on Vita OLED
Also tested on:
Test Notes:
* Runs at 30 FPS but rarely holds at 30. Frame rate drops and stutters occur frequently. Can run in the single digits in some instances.
* Audio can have a delay before it plays or not play at all.
* Object pop in and texture loading observed.
* Game crashed 4 times.
* In the Eridium Blight the character will be partially inside part of the road instead of on top of it. This also occurs when in a vehicle.
* When in an elevator and after opening the menu the character fell thru the elevator. After the elevator arrived at the top the character was transported to it.
* When entering the last area of the game, Vault of the Warrior, many environment pieces and UI features had an odd texture issue. Relaunching the game fixed the problem.
* When launching the game a prompt to turn wi-fi on will pop up. This can be dismissed with no issue.
* All DLC included is a code and not included on the cart.
* All trophies earned unlocked properly.
Content Completed:
* Main story completed.
* Majority of side missions completed.
Additional Notes:
* Local Wireless via Ad-Hoc is not available. Game can only be played co op online.
* Platinum cannot be obtained offline due to a trophy requiring co op.
* Version 1.00 on cart.
* Cart ID: 3000322
* Spine ID: PCSE-00383
* Number of players: 1
* Audio language supported: English, French, Spanish
* Subtitle language supported: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish
* Accessibility options: N/A
* Quality/Performance option: No