Brok the Investigator
(PEGI - Red Art Games )
Offline play
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Tested by DoesItPlay on Switch OLED
Version 1.06 on cart.
Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Polish, Japanese, Simplified and Traditional Chinese.
NOTE 1: Accessibility speeches are ONLY available in English.
Accessibility options tested: Positional Audio, Wall Vibrations, Repeat buttons, Advanced Directional Buttons, Hotspots, High Contrast Characters, Large Fonts, No Screen Skaking.
NOTE 2: High Contrast Characters was tested in the Quick Fight mode of the game and was tested and working. Fully Narrated was on a case by case basis. Geoff’s Second Exam / Bunker Section was used as a test for Simplified Rooms and Puzzles for blindness. Simplified kept the similar puzzles at least for that part but for the Puzzles for blindness, it did change the square matching part to only be one row of four squares of a Simon Says like puzzle instead of four rows of four squares where you solve the puzzle game that you had to use weights. During the Blindness adaptation puzzle, the tester tested the touch controls on the Switch touch screen and was tested and working.
Endings obtained: Broken Detective, Slumer, Cynical, Diary, Out of Loop, Canonical.
111/111 ad coupons collected.
All artwork and music were unlocked as well.
General notes:
Slowdown may occur if you use a full narration while navigating in the advertisement collection menu and the overall menu. All other navigation in the menus was perfectly working, especially after switching to another tab.
In one instance, Brok got briefly stuck between the panel at the Pharmacy part of the game, but we were able to get him out again. At the worst case you can always revert back to your auto save.
Slowdown occurred while trying to unlock all of Brok’s fanart and at one point it crashed the game. No progress was lost, however.
Nintendo Switch specific issues:
There was some framerate slowdown for some beat em up segments, most notably in the VR arena sessions and the final boss of the game, and especially if there’s a lot of opponents on the screen. Still, nothing that would be considered unplayable.
The tester encountered 2 black screens after doing plenty of reloads of save files and while the Switch was in Sleep Mode. The first encounter was during the Doctors Investigation and the second black screen was during Garoffs Second Exam. Closing the game and restarting fixed the issue.
Game gave a black screen after unlocking a lot of artwork with the points. Closing the game solved the issue and nothing was lost.
Entirely played in Handheld Mode.
Thank you to Red Art Games for providing a review copy.