Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box

Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box

(PEGI - The Ultimate Box)

Feb 7, 2008
  • Racing
  • Electronic Arts
  • Criterion Games
Offline play
Download required

Version: 1.00
Size on disc: 3.317GB
Game ID: BLES00455

The game is fully playable unpatched and offline, with no issues.
This version of the game has additional patches and DLC on disc compared to the base version.

Main differences compared to the base version:

This version includes all patches up to version 1.60, looking more similar to the fully patched version of the game rather than the unpatched base game.
The Big Surf Island DLC however hadn't been released yet and is still visibly in construction in the game world.

Trophy support has been added to this version. However, obtaining the Platinum trophy offline is impossible, as the game has online multiplayer-only trophies. In addition, the servers for the PS3 version of this game have been closed.
This version includes the following DLC: Cagney and Bikes, which were free content updates, and the Party Mode DLC, which is a paid DLC, but fully included and playable on this disc.
The remaining DLC must be bought separately on the PSN store (game update required).

Overall, much like the base version, it's an excellent disc build, with a few extra patches and content included, which makes it fit right in between the base unpatched version and the Remastered version content-wise.

Note: Despite having update 1.60 on disc, the overall disc build version for this version is still considered as 1.00, since it uses a different game ID compared to the base version, and so is regarded as a completely separate game.

Tested by Community Report on PS3 Fat