Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III
(ESRB - Standard)
Offline play
Download required
Tested by DoesItPlay on PS4 Pro
- Contains version 1.00 of Modern Warfare II (Yes MWII, not MWIII) and DLC licenses that grant access to download the MWIII packs on disc. The disc only contains about 1.12gb of data on it.
- Attempting to boot the game without updates will just greet you with text on a black screen telling you to download the update.
- After the update is downloaded you must also download either the Campaign or Multiplayer packs in order to play the game. You must be signed into a PSN account to claim the packs.
- Overall game size after downloading all updates and packs was about 104.4GB. This will likely grow with future updates.
- The campaign does not work properly if you try playing it on a local account. Attempting to start it will just restart the game and take you back to the title screen. The only way to play the campaign offline is to play signed into a PSN account.
- Multiplayer supports 2 player split screen or LAN play offline.
- Multiplayer allows you to pick any game mode or map. Bots can be added by selecting the plus symbol next to each team.
- Local multiplayer restricts you only to the six default loadouts. It is not possible to use any create a class loadouts in local multiplayer and even if it was, all weapons are locked to level 1 offline making it impossible to add any attachments to them.
- Zombies cannot be played offline in any capacity.
- The PS5 upgrade requires a one time use voucher in order to redeem