Cat Quest + Cat Quest II: Pawsome Pack
(ESRB - Standard)
Offline play
Download required
Tested by DoesItPlay on PS5 BC
Cat Quest Test Notes:
* Runs at 60 FPS.
* All trophies obtainable.
* No issues found.
Cat Quest II Test Notes:
* Runs at 60 FPS.
* All trophies obtainable.
* No issues found.
Content Completed:
* All skills maxed. (Cat Quest 1)
* All side quests completed. (Both Games)
* All dungeons cleared. (Both Games)
* Platinum trophy obtained. (Both Games)
Additional Notes:
* Cat Quest 1 has no updates available at the time of posting this test. (8/24/24)
* Cat Quest 2 shows version 1.4.23 on the main menu.
* Version 1.01 (Cat Quest), 1.05 (Cat Quest 2) on disc.
* Disc ID: CUSA-19329
* Spine ID: 2106002
* Number of players: 1-2 / Single Player (Both Games), Co-Op (Cat Quest 2 only)
* Audio language supported: N/A
* Subtitle language supported: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese (Both Games) / Dutch, Korean, Portuguese - (Brazil), Russian, Thai, Turkish (Cat Quest 2 only)
* Accessibility options: N/A
* Quality/Performance option: No