Crossfire: Sierra Squad
(PEGI - Standard)
Offline play
(*) Download required
(*) Disclamer: PS5 consoles with detachable disc drive: PS5 Slim (CFI-20xx models) and PS5 Pro (CFI-70xx models), require an internet connection to activate the disc drive at the setup.
Tested by DoesItPlay on Base PS5
Game requires PSVR2 to play.
Version 1.008.001 included on disc.
Offline Modes:
- Story Campaign
- Squad Mission
- Horde Mode
Entire main campaign, squad missions, and horde mode are playable offline. It is also possible to earn XP and GP (Currency) offline to unlock new weapons and attachments.
The game says the Squad Missions are meant for at least two players however it is still possible to play all of them solo, they’re just a bit tougher than the campaign missions
- The option for manual reloading was added in the patch
- The first mission of the campaign has an additional section at the beginning in the disc build containing some additional story context that was removed in the patch, however the patch also adds an additional combat area to this mission.
- The horde mode menu shows two additional maps as “coming soon”, however the patch removes those two listings entirely, so plans to add those maps may have been scrapped.
- The quality of the English translation is quite poor, but the patch doesn’t improve it at all.
- Sometimes the teammate AI can get itself stuck on walls, however every time the AI was needed to proceed further in a mission, it would just teleport the AI to the required spot if necessary, so this never resulted in any game breaking issues.