Crysis Remastered Trilogy

Crysis Remastered Trilogy

(Korea - Standard)

Oct 15, 2021
Offline play
Download required
(*) Download required: Minor content missing or a lot of bugs present with a patch recommended (more details bellow)

Crysis Remastered Test Notes:

* Played in Performance mode, runs at 60 FPS. Frame stutter occurs when an auto save initiates.

* Texture and shadow pop in and flickering observed. Object and environment pop in also occurs.

* Some objects can get stuck floating in air.

* Enemies observed getting stuck on objects during pathing.

* Game crashed once.

* During one holdout section the enemies would float in place until killed then fall to the ground without blowing up. This caused the game to think the enemies were not dead and the game would not progress. Multiple checkpoint restarts and level restarts did not solve the issue. Reinstalling the game fixed the issue.

* When following Psycho during the final level his character model would randomly twitch and act strangely.

* During the final boss fight the hatch covering the final area to shoot would not open. After several checkpoint restarts the hatch was open and boss could be finished.

* All trophies obtainable.

Crysis 2 Remastered Test Notes:

* Runs at 60 FPS. Frame stutter occurs when a checkpoint initiates or a collectible is acquired.

* Object and texture pop in occurs occasionally.

* Observed enemies get stuck on a climb up ledge and part of the environment.

* Spoken dialogue and subtitles don’t always match.

* Sometimes when uncloaking behind an object enemies will start shooting at player position like they can see you thru the object.

* Enemy AI appears to not be as responsive as it should be. Had an instance where an enemy was killed in front of another and no reaction was given. Same enemy was shot with the sniper rifle and still no reaction. Other instances of enemies spawning in and not engaging occurred, such as during the helicopter fight in the lab.

* Sound effect for several things such as player footsteps, power jump and reloading certain guns stopped playing at a certain point. Tried checkpoint restart, continuing game from the main menu and relaunching the game. Nothing fixed the issue. Bug could be attached to the save file. Randomly it would come and go for the rest of the game.

* All trophies obtainable.

Crysis 3 Remastered Test Notes:

* Runs at 60 FPS. Frame stutter occurs when a checkpoint initiates or collectible is acquired.

* Opening cutscene doesn’t display subtitles. Some spoken dialogue and subtitles don’t match.

* Texture flickering and texture/object pop in observed.

* Observed enemies randomly disappear when aiming at them from a long distance.

* Weapon Handing upgrade challenge initially would not track kills. Eventually kills started to count and challenge was completed.

* All trophies obtainable.

Content Completed:

* All collectibles obtained. (Crysis 2 and 3)

* Games completed on hardest difficulty. (All 3)

* Platinum trophy acquired. (All 3)

Additional Notes:

* Crysis 1 has no updates available at the time of posting this test. (7/26/24)

* Version 1.00 (Crysis 2 and 3), 1.03 (Crysis 1) on disc.

* Disc ID: PLAS-11083

* Spine ID: PLAS-11083

* Number of players: 1

* Audio language supported: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese (Crysis 1 and 2), Polish (Crysis 2), Russian (Crysis 1 and 2), Spanish, Turkish

* Subtitle language supported: Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish

* Accessibility options: N/A

* Quality/Performance option: Yes (Crysis 1)

Tested by DoesItPlay on PS5 BC