Curse of the Sea Rats
(ESRB - Kickstarter Release, Revision 000)
Offline play
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Tested by Nintendo Revised on Switch OLED
Also tested on:
Slight spoiler needed for performance test. This game has 4 endings. Tester played two runs total.
First run tester got a bad ending, after beating a specific boss, the game doesn't progress any further and credits roll.
You can load the last save and you can finish exploring the non-bugged parts of the game world.
Second run tester attempted true-ending. Tester made it to the same section as in the first run with prerequisites to progress past bad ending. After beating the boss, the story does not progress and the bad ending doesn't play, so the player is locked out. Tester could not progress past this point, and could NOT finish the rest of the game.
The game has multiple in-game framerate issues and graphical issues, like characters turning into a complete black icon of themselves, or background texture glitches. The framerate issues are occur more often and are worse in docked mode. In docked mode the frame rate issue for one boss made the fight practically unplayable in docked mode. Hand held helps fix some of the frame issues. A reset of the game would also fix these issues temporarily, but they come back after a bit of playing.
Two bosses had missing conversation text were it prompted a code saying "conversation was not found".
In two instances on second play through key treasure items that only were supposed to have one version, had two in different locations and tester could not pick up the second version of that item.
On both play-throughs a series of 1-5 optional items were glitched. With workarounds only 1 and 5 could be obtained. 2 would spawn but is behind a locked gate that you have to progress in game to get. You can come to pick it up from the other side of the gate, but it would no longer be there. 3 is supposed to spawn after a cutscene, but it never spawned. 4 never spawned. This was same on both play-throughs. These items were not key items, and were not needed to progress.
In the first play-through the conversion text became way off centre, to the point were tester couldn't read it or didn't show on screen. Second play through this didn't occur.
Had two dialog conversations that would seemingly lock the game. One of these you can hold the + button and skip. Second can be avoided.
Tester played mainly docked in first run and handheld on second.
With that said, tester found the game to be unplayable from start to finish on 1.0.0. Different play-throughs could be different but the game undoubtedly performs problematically without patches.
Version 1.0.0