Daymare: 1994 Sandcastle
Series X

Daymare: 1994 Sandcastle

(PEGI - Standard)

Aug 30, 2023
(*) Offline play
Download required
(*) Disclamer: Xbox One and Series X|S consoles require an internet connection to set up/activate the system for the first time. An active Microsoft account is also required to play.

-Latest update at the time of testing on disc. (6/6/24)
-Version on disc:
-Languages on disc: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish, Polish, Turkish, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional)
-Graphics Modes: Quality and Performance
-Accessibility Settings: Adjustable field of view, adjustable controller and camera sensitivity.

-Completionist run: Collected all notes/recordings/collectibles/Frost Grip upgrades, completed all hacking opportunities.
-Quality mode showed some cases of frame rate drops, such as during some cutscenes, when a lot of particle effects were on the screen simultaneously (such as fire or static electricity), in the pumping room section near the end and for a few seconds when walking in the rain in the very beginning. These were not observed in Performance mode.
-Encountered a single instance when the loading screen progressed a bit slowly and wouldn't cycle between tips instantly.
-Encountered a single brief instance of an enemy becoming invisible for a few seconds before reverting to normal. Gameplay was not affected.

-All collectibles/challenges/concept art unlocked properly.

Overall an excellent disc build, almost flawless.

Note: This release was initially listed by some retailers as a Smart Delivery title, and it is possible that some listings may not have been adjusted properly afterward, so please pay attention to the version you're purchasing.

Tested by DoesItPlay on Xbox Series X