Days Gone

Days Gone

(1.00 release)

Apr 26, 2019
  • Shooter
  • Adventure
  • Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • SIE Bend Studio
Offline play
Download required

One playthrough showed FPS drops and minor sound and texture issues.
Another showed a major issue in sound mixing. The ambient growling of zombies in the area would always sound like it originates from just next to the player.
The game is beatable, but comes with a lot of potentially annoying bugs.

There has been a reprint with the updated version 1.61 on disc. This reprint is available in two separate releases. The first one is around since at least 2020 and can't be spotted from the outside. The second re-issue with the updated disc was released after the game was made available on PC. This release can be spotted by the new cover that now lacks the "only on PlayStation" notice on the front. However, some retailers have just put a sticker or a partially reprinted cover over the original one in older releases. Make sure to closely inspect the physical copy before buying it. Online retailers are not a safe option for optaining this version.

Tested by DoesItPlay on PS4 Pro