Death or Treat

Death or Treat

(PEGI - Standard)

Jun 2, 2023
  • Platform
  • Hack and slash/Beat 'em up
  • Adventure
  • Indie
  • Perp Games
  • Saona Studios
Offline play
(*) Download required
(*) Disclamer: PS5 consoles with detachable disc drive (CFI-20xx models) require an internet connection to activate the disc drive at the setup.

1.001.000 on disc.
Version 1.1.0 displayed ingame.

Game is perfectly playable and enjoyable from start to finish. It could certainly use more polish, though.

Stutters when causing a lot of loot to drop, either by killing a lot of enemies or opening several crates at the same time. These stutters can get pretty massive, as in solid one second freezes.This hasn't been a problem in opening areas of the game because it happened only in moments when there was no threat nearby. Might be more of a problem in later levels.

After completing an area you are asked by an NPC whether you want to continue your run or return to town. The buttons in this dialogue don't display their actual meaning and just read -Response Button-. Sometimes only one is missing the correct text and you can figure out the choices, but we also encountered instances where both didn't have the actual text. The left choice always seems to be the one to continue your run, though.

In one level of the first area the game spawns you on the ground below the actual entry pipe. You are immediately in combat in this case even slightly before the image has fully faded in.

Once, when quitting to the main menu the cursor would disappear and you couldn't select "Options" or "Play" anymore.

At the start of the third boss battle your character is floating, gravity seems to be turned off and there are no movement animations for your character. If you jump, you will immediately hit the spikes in the ceiling and lose a lot of health.

Encountered several instances when button presses weren't registered correctly.

Encountered rare issues with hit detection both on the player and enemies.

Encountered enemies occasionally getting stuck or not attacking despite facing the player.

During one run, the main attack would simply stop working. Pressing square didn't do anything anymore. This happened in the second level of the final area. Surprisingly, we beat the game for the first time after that, using only the secondary attack and the special.

When loading into the last boss fight, at first pressing X would not progress the game into the boss fight. After several seconds and pressing almost every button on the DualSense the fight finally started. Encountered longer than usual loading in between two stages of the boss fight in this instance.

Despite doing a full run and always picking up the inventory boost, there was only the standard number of slots available for bringing materials back to town after beating the final boss in this run.

Review copy provided by Perp Games.

Tested by DoesItPlay on Base PS5