Series X & One
Dying Light 2: Stay Human
(PEGI - Standard)
(*) Offline play
Download required
(*) Download required: Minor content missing or a lot of bugs present with a patch recommended (more details bellow)
(*) Disclamer: Xbox One and Series X|S consoles require an internet connection to set up/activate the system for the first time. An active Microsoft account is also required to play.
Tested by Community Report on Xbox Series X
Also tested on:
Only the Xbox One version is on disc at 28,2 GB, showing version in the main menu.
No dialog in French on the disc. Just subtitles in French included on the disc.
Played about 50 hours, finished the main story, ended most of the 20 secondary quests and discovered the majority of interest points.
The game seems to be fully on disc, but many issues are present:
Sounds crashed sometimes (after about 1 hour of game but only at the start of a session). It either turned into a continous sound at the same frequency getting louder and louder, or the sound stopped working altogether. Fix: quit the game and restart (on our 50 hours the sound has crashed about 10 times).
Once, we didn't have the indicator at the top right saying combo point XP wins during a combat anymore.
After exiting the game and returning to the main menu, the game was stuck on the loading screen. Relaunching the game after that made the point XP indicator reappear.
Display bug on "pumpkin farm" icon, which only appeared if we are near it.
When we unlocked the Waterside underground, we pressed "Select" to go back to the menu at the same time when the game was showing giveaways. Game got stuck and we had to quit and restart it.
The fast travel of downtown court's underground is buggy. It reappears when you come back to the underground, but disappeared frenquently each time we launched a game.
Some night tracker hideouts were unlocked but didn't work: no UV lamp, no possibility to sleep.
Observed geometry problems when taking the elevator at VNC tower.
Once arrived at the top of windmill "Caryer" which is located in garrison, we weren't able to unlock it.
When we selected "VNC tower underground" on the fast travel map , we were teleported to the waterside underground and vice versa.
The GRE detector indicates inhibitors despite being recovered already.
The secondary quest "ELENA" is buggy. Couldn't talk to the witch. It says : "waiting for dialogue".
The quest "DESERTER" is also buggy. Can't talk to MEYER because its location is located outside the playable map.
The GRE's anomaly from NEWFOUND LOSTLAND should switch to night but the game was still on day mode.
From the epilogue to the end of the game, there are a few problems of transitions during cinematics.
During main quest X13, when you are transforming, the screen became black. Had to restart the game.
The ending music on credits is buggy.
While this is the Xbox One version, the game lacks polishing/finishing both in gameplay and graphics. From certain points when you look at the landscape, you can see that some textures don't even load.
Following the test without update, we updated the game to compare.
The game is more beautiful, smoother and comes with a higher level of detail too.
Tried to play on our game save with the version without update. The game tells you that it is a game save on an earlier version but still offers to access it. Once the game is launched, when loading the game crashes and returns to the main menu, though. The save is obsolete.