Final Fantasy XVI

Final Fantasy XVI

(ESRB - Standard)

Jun 22, 2023
  • Role-playing (RPG)
  • Square Enix
  • Flame Hearts
  • Square Enix Creative Business Unit III
Offline play
(*) Download required
(*) Disclamer: PS5 consoles with detachable disc drive (CFI-20xx models) require an internet connection to activate the disc drive at the setup.

First impression playthrough:
Story completed.

Performance mode runs like in the demo, 30-60 fps.
Graphics mode (30 fps cap) runs solid. Framed-paced well.


The developers have acknowledge an apparently very specific bug that can block progression. The first larger patch after launch is supposed to address it.
This game is challenging on the hardware and might cause your PS5 to overheat, if it is caked in dust or situated in a spot with bad airflow for cooling.

However, neither of these issues were encountered in this initial playthrough.


First in-depth playthrough:

Played in Frame Rate mode.

Runs between 30 and 60 FPS depending on what is happening in game and what area you are in.

Very minor and rare occurrences of pop in.

All trophies earned unlocked properly.

All side quests, hunts and chronolith trials complete. Gotterdammerung and both Ouroboros accessories crafted. Level 50 cap acquired.

New Game+ playthrough:

Played on Final Fantasy difficulty.

Occasionally following a cutscene after a fight Clive still had an aura around him. Changing areas fixed it.

Once when switching to Odin the Zantetsuken text and number representing current charge level was not displayed on screen. Switching through equipped Eikon’s back to Odin fixed it.

All side quests and hunts completed. Ultima Weapon and both Reinforced Ouroboros accessories crafted. Hippocrates and Torgal levels maxed. All renown earned. Level 100 cap obtained.

Last 2 trophies earned and platinum obtained.

Disc ID: PPSA-10664

Spine ID: 2109480

Number of players: 1

Audio language supported: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish - (Mexico).

Subtitle language supported: Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese - (Brazil), Russian, Spanish, Spanish - (Mexico).

Accessibility options: Hearing impaired subtitles option available. Includes 5 accessories that enable various support. Auto potion use, Simple combat using only the square button, auto evade, slow down before an evadable attack connects and auto pet commands.

Mode preference selection: Frame Rate or Graphics mode available.


Second in-depth playthrough:

While in graphics mode the game runs at 30FPS and rarely drops below that.
In framerate mode the FPS will go between 40 and 60 while exploring but stays mostly at 60 while in combat.

-Observed a party member aggroing an enemy out side of the combat zone, yet they would not target enemies within the current combat zone.

-After a hunt Torgal's pathing bugged and he would not follow again until we fast traveled.

Tested by DoesItPlay on Base PS5