

(ESRB - Distributed by LRG/ Retail version)

Aug 2, 2022
  • Platform
  • Adventure
  • Indie
  • Arcade
  • Top Hat Studios
  • Molegato
Offline play
Download required

Perfectly playable from the start to the end credits with minor issues.

Minor slowdown on one of the levels and some minor hiccups during some boss battles. During boss battles there may be very slight frame drops, but other than this nothing major.

Also the final boss of the game has a glitch where it attempts to shoot lasers at you and most of the time, those lasers don’t appear to attack you. They randomly do spawn at times, which can cause some frustration, because most of the time they are unexpected. So when they spawn, they catch you completely off guard.

The level "Scorchy" cannot be completed 100% because of a glitch resulting in two missing coins you need to collect for 100%. According to reports online, the two coins are glitched inside a wall somewhere and are impossible to obtain.

Tried only the first level of post game content.

Tons of quality of life improvements have been implemented after launch which makes one hope for a reprinted cart at some point down the line.

This game was tested on an OLED switch, no DRM, and only tested in handheld mode.

Tested by Nintendo Revised on Switch OLED