Gibbon - Beyond the Trees
(PEGI - Super Rare Games, Revision 000)
Offline play
Download required
(*) Download required: Minor content missing or a lot of bugs present with a patch recommended (more details bellow)
Tested by DoesItPlay on Base Switch
Front cart code: LA-H-A3QBA-EUR
Back cart code: A3QBA19B000
V 1.9.2 on cart
Voice languages: -
Text languages: English, German, Spanish, Spanish (Latin America), French, French (CA), Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, Turkish, Danish, Polish, Dutch, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Arabic, Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Indonesia
Encountered stuttering during the chase sequence with the motorcycle.
Encountered noticable framedrops, stuttering and even freezes during the final stages of the game. As soon as you enter the crowded town close to the end, performance tanks noticably, especially when the game zooms in and out a lot.
This doesn't prevent you from experiencing and finishing the story, but it gets in the way of timing your swings and jumps.
Played entirely in docked mode.
Thx for the review copy got to Super Rare Games.