Goat Simulator 3

Goat Simulator 3


Nov 17, 2022
  • Simulator
  • Adventure
  • Coffee Stain Publishing
  • Coffee Stain Studios
Offline play
(*) Download required
(*) Disclamer: PS5 consoles with detachable disc drive (CFI-20xx models) require an internet connection to activate the disc drive at the setup.

Game is beatable & Platinum-able but with lots of problems
- Split screen is missing from the disc build meaning you can't do any multiplayer events.
- Trophies cannot be earned on non-PSN accounts
- The quest "Clean Energy" and the reward for completing it are bugged and cannot be obtained the intended way, but can still technically be obtained. *Minor Quest spoilers ahead* You are supposed to put two object in a location in the quest but the place you have to put them is floating in the air and is unreachable through normal means. After a few game restarts we were able to get the location to spawn low enough to where we could get to it and complete the quest, however after completing the quest there is a gear item that spawns which is also impossible to reach due to the teleporter to get up there being bugged. We were still able to reach it using the jetpack item after a few tries.
- The map screen has a few bugs, the first of which being the lock-on for the cursor almost never locks onto icons correctly, and the second bug being after restarting the game once, the part of the map that shows you how many collectibles are left in the area stopped showing up, but you can still check how many collectibles you have by going to the collectibles tab in the menu.
- Lots of minor visual & audio changes. The final boss area especially has many lighting changes and is missing the music in the final part.

Tested by DoesItPlay on Base PS5