Horizon Forbidden West: Complete Edition

Horizon Forbidden West: Complete Edition

(ESRB - Complete Edition)

Oct 6, 2023
  • Role-playing (RPG)
  • Adventure
  • Nixxes Software
  • Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • Guerrilla Games
Offline play
(*) Download required
(*) Disclamer: PS5 consoles with detachable disc drive (CFI-20xx models) require an internet connection to activate the disc drive at the setup.

Played in Favor Performance mode, runs at 60 FPS. Observed a few framerate stutters.

Good amount of visual bugs present. Object and water texture pop in and out, lighting issues such as flickering and animations not lining up properly. Also saw an NPC missing their torso and arms.

Sometimes materials are inside an object such as a rock or tree and cannot be picked up.

In the side mission Thirst for the Hunt you are required to kill all machines in a certain area. During the mission one machine became stuck under the ground and could not be killed. Restarting from last save allowed the objective to be fulfilled.

In the side mission A Soldier’s March there were several instances of dialogue repeating itself.

Occasionally when completing an objective or exiting a vendor menu the screen would fade to black for about a second before coming back, sometimes a few times.

After the end credits and being put back into the game the name of several locations kept popping up on screen.

During the first fight of the Burning Shores DLC the final enemy and Seyka were observed standing next to each other not moving. Hitting the enemy caused them to resume moving again.

During The Stars in their Eyes main mission of Burning Shores Seyka was not present would not pilot the skiff to the destination. After reaching the destination Seyka would sometimes get stuck in the environment or disappear entirely each time a fast travel was initiated. Was unable to progress as Seyka needed to pilot the skiff to change the objective. Fast traveling to the campfire near the skiff caused her to drive the skiff like normal and the rest of the mission was completed without issue.

Burning Shores DLC included on disc.

Platinum trophy for base game obtainable and all trophies for DLC earned unlocked properly.

Version 1.000.000 on disc. (Equivalent to the original release updated to version 1.026.000).

Disc ID: PPSA-17905 (Play Disc) / PPSA-17906 (Data Disc)

Spine ID: 1000030401

Number of players: 1

Audio language supported: English, French, Portuguese - (Brazil), Spanish - (Mexico)

Subtitle language supported: Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, Simplified Chinese, Slovakian, Spanish, Spanish (Mexico), Swedish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish

Accessibility options: Thalassophobia Relief, Color Blind Mode (Protanopia, Deuteranopia, Tritanopia), many options for icons, vibration intensity, subtitles and camera.

Mode preference selection: Balance, Favor Performance, Favor Resolution

Tested by DoesItPlay on Base PS5