Kill la Kill -IF-

Kill la Kill -IF-

(PEGI - Standard)

Jul 25, 2019
  • Fighting
  • Adventure
  • Arcade
  • Arc System Works
  • APLUS Co., Ltd.
Offline play
Download required

Version: 1.00
Size on disc: 10.323 GB
Game ID: CUSA16022

Kill la Kill -IF- is complete and fully playable from disc, with no patches required.
All trophies are obtainable, with no online connection required for any of them.
The game runs at a resolution of 1080p, at a locked 60 fps on PS5. Despite the high framerate, all characters will instead render at a lower framerate, in order to mimic the anime's lower framerate. Because of this, there is a slight input delay during gameplay.
The game features Japanese and English as selectable voice languages.
Subtitles in cutscenes will sometimes flicker if they're on screen for too long.
There was one instance in a cutscene where shadows were flickering. Only noticed once, no other issues.
All game modes, those being the Story, Versus, Practice and Gallery modes, along with all their respective sub-options, are available on disc, with the exception of online multiplayer options, such as Player and Ranked Match. The Replay List option under Gallery will display a network error, but locally saved replays will still be viewable.
A local player vs. player mode is available in Versus > Free Battle.
The game has 4 difficulty levels, which only affect the damage that the player gives and receives. It does not change enemy behavior, attacks or combos. As a result, the game may still be a bit challenging at the easiest difficulty.

Overall, a pretty solid and complete disc build, with a noticeable amount of polish applied to it.

Notes: Later patches fix minor bugs, online bugs, add more languages, and add two playable characters usable in the Versus modes and the Gallery mode: "Nudist Beach DTR" and "Mako Mankanshoku".

Tested by Community Report on PS5 BC