(PEGI - Red Art Games)
Offline play
(*) Download required
(*) Download required: Minor content missing or a lot of bugs present with a patch recommended (more details bellow)
(*) Disclamer: PS5 consoles with detachable disc drive: PS5 Slim (CFI-20xx models) and PS5 Pro (CFI-70xx models), require an internet connection to activate the disc drive at the setup.
Tested by DoesItPlay on Base PS5
-Version 1.000.000 on disc
-Languages on disc: English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional)
-Spine ID: 837855
-Disc ID: PPSA 13681
-Accessibility settings: invert horizontal and vertical input, adjustable field of view and controller sensitivity; hints (provide indications particularly during puzzles)
• Runs at 60 FPS.
• The lighter and hand have a slight ghosting effect when moving the camera around fast.
• Observed a single instance of an enemy shortly clipping through the ground.
• When trying to load a previous save, the first option in the main menu, “Start game”, actually starts a new game from scratch, which overwrites the previous save file. The game alerts the player that this will be the case.
• In quite a few instances, the notification “You stop getting tired.” was succeeded almost instantaneously by the one saying “You start getting tired again.” or viceversa. Unable to confirm if this is intended behavior.
• A few spots in which the character can get stuck momentarily, but jumping fixes this.
• When reloading the checkpoint saved right before exiting Grandfather’s Cave, the playable character spawned out of bounds. We were still able to cross through the wall and enter the cave and resume gameplay normally, however.
• When returning to the Forest (the second area) after going through the portal in Tietäjä’s study, encountered consistent and very severe FPS drops. They occur continuously in this area after this specific moment but stop immediately when entering a different area.
• When trying to insert a new battery in the flashlight near the end of the game, we were unable to do so, as an error kept popping up, saying “The flashlight does not need a new battery.” Unable to confirm if this only occurs in this specific spot or if the flashlight cannot be reloaded at all.
• The “No curses, thanks!” trophy, awarded for completing the game, did not unlock. All other attempted trophies unlocked properly. However, the platinum trophy is seemingly unobtainable from the disc build due to this issue.
Overall a good disc build with a few annoying issues.
Thanks to Red Art Games for providing a review copy!