Ninja Five-O
(ESRB - Limited Run Games)
Offline play
(*) Download required
(*) Download required: Minor content missing or a lot of bugs present with a patch recommended (more details bellow)
(*) Disclamer: PS5 consoles with detachable disc drive: PS5 Slim (CFI-20xx models) and PS5 Pro (CFI-70xx models), require an internet connection to activate the disc drive at the setup.
Tested by Community Report on Base PS5
~ V1.000.000 (1.13 GB) on disc
Completely playable offline with no download required, although a patch would be recommended due to technical issues with the in-game soundtrack.
Utilized default settings for first play-through of titular game variant on 'Normal' difficulty while HD sound was toggled for the second run-through on 'Hard' difficulty.
100% platinum trophy achieved.
Art gallery & music player appeared to function without issue.
The PAL version of the game, "Ninja Cop," was untested for reference.
-- On various occasions through the game, using the Carbon Engine port menu or rewind function can cause music to either completely cut off or fade out after resuming gameplay. Sometimes it appears to happen in conjunction with using the grappling hook immediately afterward. On rare instances, simply rewinding before the problem & slowing down your movements can avoid activating the issue. More often than not, reloading a manual save before the problem would fix it for the remainder of the stage. However, on "Base - Stage 1" & the final boss encounter, music for those levels would seemingly fail every time almost like it wouldn't properly loop after a particular point. Reloading an in-progress save, toggling HD sound, restarting the stage, rebooting the game app & even reinstalling the game itself wouldn't correct the complication across two play-throughs. Sound effects were still present & the soundtrack would resume upon level completion. As a result, it would be suggested to intermittently perform a manual save as a potential back-up solution. However, it isn't a guaranteed success in relation to the latter stages. Please note the final level, "Launch Site," doesn't have any music by default as part of the original experience.