Rack N Ruin
(ESRB - Premium Editions Games, Revision 001)
Offline play
Download required
Tested by DoesItPlay on Base Switch
Ver 1.0.5 on cart
-Tested on Human difficulty in English
-Languages English, Francais, Deutsch, Espanol, Italiano
-Did not find every single item but did not encounter any bugs or problems with any items and they work as intended
-World was fully ruined in this test (note: some things can be missed when you ruin a part the world as the area changes and new & old secrets are lost/shown)
Minor bugs
- Audio cuts in and out oddly when switching areas
- You can change the way Rack faces once per pause screen with right stick (no real use or effect to game)
- Goddess area past The Faerie Wood there are a number of objects that blink in and out wrong overlapping layers (a few minor ones seen in other areas too)
Janky issues
- During lightning puzzles it can be difficult to chain all the switches (especially found the one in the last dungeon really picky on getting it to chain to all the switches)
Didn't encounter anything that prevented progress or finishing the final boss, ending and credits
Fully playable offline with no need of downloads or online
(Note this is not to be confused with the "Funbox Media" published PAL copy that IS a code in the box! This test is for the "Premium Edition Games" copy and it is the one we recommend, if you want to own a cart copy of the game)
Review copy was provided by Premium Editions Games for this test.