Red Dead Redemption: Game of The Year Edition

Red Dead Redemption: Game of The Year Edition

(PEGI - Game of The Year Edition)

Oct 10, 2011
Offline play
Download required

All DLC included.

Red Dead Redemption:

Framerate drops quite a bit in towns and populated areas with large constant FPS drops in Blackwater.

Ragdoll animations can sometimes cause NPCs to glitch into a wall or object and violently shake until they despawn or free themselves, if alive.

NPCs can be seen walking with half of their body in the ground most commonly in saloons.

Light can sometimes be seen unnaturally shining out of gaps between structures such as the buildings in Blackwater.

Fast traveling into Blackwater or riding a fast horse such as the War Horse into it immediately after loading into the game from a nearby campsite may cause the player to freeze in place at a random spot in the town until the game finishes loading it in which more often than not causes the player's horse to despawn or die and the player may become stuck in a random building necessitating a reload.

Golden guns sometimes don't appear despite being toggled on. A fix is to toggle them on and off while pausing and unpausing until they do.

The player's arms may become stuck behind his back when equipping a longarm weapon such as a shotgun while on a horse

Undead Nightmare:

Some FPS dips in highly populated areas.

Golden guns sometimes don't appear despite being toggled on. A fix is to toggle them on and off while pausing and unpausing until they do.

Blackwater may load in slowly causing the player to become stuck until it loads in.

LAN multiplayer available.

Online required for platinum trophy.

Tested by DoesItPlay on PS3 Slim