Remnant II

Remnant II

(ESRB - Standard)

Jul 25, 2023
Offline play
(*) Download required
(*) Disclamer: PS5 consoles with detachable disc drive: PS5 Slim (CFI-20xx models) and PS5 Pro (CFI-70xx models), require an internet connection to activate the disc drive at the setup.

Disc Version: 1.000.000
Disc ID: PPSA-06693
Spine ID: 2108411
Number of players: 1
Audio language supported: Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish.
Subtitle language supported: Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish.
Accessibility options: N/A
Mode preference selection: N/A

First tester's results:

Runs at 60 FPS. Occasionally frame rate drops occur.

Game crashed once when moving to a different area.

Observed texture loading, frame rate slowdown and during screen changes would have a brief flash of the previous screen during cutscenes.

Observed shadow flickering and pixilation on shadows cast with the flashlight.

When switching pages in books the words will briefly shake.

When teleporting to an area some objects can be seen floating in the air.

Occasionally after destroying a candle holder the flame for the candle remains in place.

Observed enemy stuck inside a wall not moving until damaged.

Observed enemy missing the top half of its body in the Labyrinth level. Weak point was still able to be hit and enemy could be killed.

During The Abomination boss fight the boss would frequently go thru the wall instead of into the pipe entrances when spawning enemies.

When looking at Mudtooth’s items for sale 2 of the items backgrounds were half white instead of fully black like normal.

When dog companion was downed by enemies and then got back up after enemies were killed the health bar on the top left stayed red instead of going back to green. Quitting out and reloading the game fixed it.

Observed textures on walls disappear and the segment go solid grey.

Observed a floor texture distort when character is a certain distance away. Moving closer causes it to snap back into place.

After dying in the forest area a pop up came on screen saying “Something went wrong” (CE-100028-1). It referred to character data. Upon quitting out of the game in the main menu it showed my characters power level as 1 when it was 11. After loading the game my character power level was back to normal. All quest items besides the flashlight were gone from the inventory. Only the N’Erud and Ward 13 area’s of the game were available to warp to. Upon warping back to ward 13 a cutscene from near the start of the game played. The objective was set to an earlier objective that had already been completed. Door used to enter N’Erud was locked and without the quest item to open it you cannot leave that area other than warping to Ward 13. Game cannot be finished if this occurs. Updating the game does not fix the issue.

Second tester's results:

Even though the game is payable without a patch we recommend downloading patches before playing.
Played for 30 hours and unlocked most weapons items and armor.
There are several unlockables that can't be unlocked due to bugs in ver 1.00.

-One crash.

-Game runs at 60FPS with some frame drops.

-Textures were observed loading in for a moment during cutscenes.

-Flickering shadows when using flashlight.

-Fell through an elevator to characters' death.

-Fell through map.

-When equipping the Repeater pistol with any mod the inspect menu will display both the old and new weapon appearance clipping through each other.

-When in Mudtooths buy menu two items have white background instead of the boreal black.

-The saw trap in a dungeon is bugged and the blades are not spinning as they should.

-The Chicago typewriter is in a different location in the disc build.

-The weapon Meridian's weapon mod fires rockets. Unfortunately, this mod is bugged and doesn't inflict any damage.

-A ring spawned below the floor and was unreachable.

-Abomination boss animations bug after it exits the arena, the boss will move through walls and floors, float, and will stay on its side making it harder to hit its weak points.

-After completing the main campaign an error code displayed saying "somthing went wrong" with the character save. After closing the game and relaunching a message displayed "your save was corrupted and had to be removed". Main campaign progress was reset but all unlockables and character progress were still the same.

Tested by DoesItPlay on Base PS5