RetroRealms Double Feature: Halloween & Ash vs. Evil Dead
(ESRB - Standard)
Offline play
(*) Download required
(*) Disclamer: PS5 consoles with detachable disc drive: PS5 Slim (CFI-20xx models) and PS5 Pro (CFI-70xx models), require an internet connection to activate the disc drive at the setup.
Tested by Community Report on Base PS5
~ V1.000.000 (1.13GB initial - 1.50GB total add-on install ※) on disc
Completely playable offline with no download required. Utilized default settings and finished both games in their standard presentation. Includes the "Kelly Maxwell" & "Laurie Strode" playable character DLC on disc with their own respective trophies. Those additions were untested for reference. All unique collectibles (Necronomicon pages / Halloween pumpkins) were obtained with a vast majority of the arcade tickets, too. All attempted trophies unlocked as necessary.
※ Please note the physical release serves as an install-style hard copy where the "digital" on-disc content, including both titles and DLC characters, has to be redeemed as separate add-ons under the 'Manage Game Content' option from the game app via the console dashboard. Otherwise, the game can boot up with seemingly inaccessible data as the player has the ability to move through a very small, boarded off room within an abandoned arcade "hub" area. It offers a few obtainable trophies while the two game cabinets prompt a PS Store download notice before an error code appears when attempting to play without an active network connection. Once the essential add-ons have been properly installed, the cabinets launch as intended.
-- Upon level completion at seemingly random intervals throughout both games, a network error message will appear as the game tries to upload player score by default. These notifications can be closed without trouble and it appears the overall game doesn't have a setting to disable the scoreboard upload system.
-- If the player happens to stay completely still on a ground hazard after taking damage, such as a fire pit or acid pool, sometimes additional hits will cease to occur. However, the very next input will result in taking damage as usual once again.
-- On the main menu for "Ash vs. Evil Dead" (AvED), the 'Controls' section under 'Options' appeared completely blank. However, it still seems to make adjustments as checking the same area under "Halloween" showed the sensitivity had been altered. Rebooting the game didn't fix the issue, but reinstalling the entire game did correct it.
-- During "AvED," the game crashed twice while fighting the final boss on Level 5-2. Both instances occurred when using the secondary throwing dagger item to destroy the first eye. The enemy was eventually defeated using just the chainsaw. Although the game does have soft checkpoints that retain your progress during the current session, sadly, it does not fully save your progress until a level has been completed. As a result, all collectible tickets / Necronomicon pages were lost & everything had to be redone from the beginning of that level on both occasions.