![Rocket Knight Adventures: Re-Sparked](https://images.igdb.com/igdb/image/upload/t_logo_med/co7na9.jpg)
Rocket Knight Adventures: Re-Sparked
(ESRB - Limited Run Games)
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(*) Download required: Minor content missing or a lot of bugs present with a patch recommended (more details bellow)
Tested by Community Report on Switch OLED
Also tested on:
Completed all 3 games at 100%.
For context: Tester completed Rocket Knight Adventures on Hard mode and obtained the true ending. Completed Sparkster: Rocket Knight Adventures 2 by obtaining all 7 hidden keys, and obtained the true ending. Completed Sparkster (SNES) twice, once on Normal and once on Hard and obtained the true ending. Completed the boss rush mode for both Rocket Knight Adventures and for Sparkster: Rocket Knight Adventures 2. Attempted to complete the boss rush mode for Sparkster (SNES) but a bug on cart prevents completion. More on that below.
Overall, there are no major issues, outside of the Sparkster (SNES) boss rush mode. For context, tester has never played these games before, therefore they couldn't compare them to the original releases. With that said, some games have slowdown, which honestly is expected for games of this era. Though, slowdown was more noticeable on Sparkster: Rocket Knight Adventures 2. There is a boost mode, but it is only offered for Sparkster SNES, which boosts the performance of the game. This was utilized for the test, and tester didn't notice any slow down as a result.
Additionally, there were times where the tester was boosting around a level, and the main character would start doing an animation as if he was on an edge about to fall off. This would happen in sections that didn’t have an edge. Though, it doesn't hinder the experience. The animation doesn’t last too long and rectifies rather quickly. This occurred on all 3 games.
The biggest issue with this build is regarding Sparkster (SNES) boss rush. There are a total of 9 bosses. When reaching and beating the 8th boss, the game kicks the player back to the boss rush menu. It indicates that the player did not beat the 8th boss and refuses to continue to the 9th boss. This is a bug that prevents completion of the boss rush mode for this game. The boss rush modes are fully playable for the two other games, but it is not for Sparkster SNES. Thankfully, this is the only major issue on the cartridge.
Music Player and Museum are both on cart. On occasion when viewing the museum, the artwork would move to the left and top corner. This did not occur every time, but the artwork would sometimes move on its own. It is unclear if this was a game flaw or a joystick issue, but it did not happen again in other games.
Languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish and Japanese. These languages appear to apply for the collection menu and not applicable for the game themselves.
Difficulty options: First title has Children, Easy, Normal, and Hard. Second title offers Easy, Normal, Hard and Very Hard. Third title offers Easy (Digest), Normal, and Hard.
Accessibility options: Rewind feature is offered along with save states. Though, when using rewinds, the game does sometimes freeze for a moment and then will load up as normal. Rewinds only work for the 3 titles and cannot be used in the Boss Rush modes.
No DRM found. Played handheld mode.