Rocket League Collector's Edition

Rocket League Collector's Edition

(ESRB - Collector's Edition)

Offline play
Download required

Version 1.0.1 included on cart however the actual build is still much newer than the PS4 Collector’s edition

DOWNLOAD CODES REQUIRED for the following DLC: Supersonic Fury, Revenge Of The Battle Cars. Chaos Run, & 4 Additional Battle Cars. A separate DLC code is included for The Flash wheels and DC-Inspired Player Banners

Offline modes: Exhibition, Season, Local Lobby, Training

Mostly multiplayer focused game however the game supports full offline play with bots, 4-player Split Screen, and Local Wireless play.

Note that each split screen player must be signed into a profile in order to play. If you use a profile without a Nintendo account linked the game will nag you to sign in a few times before letting you join. The other players can earn XP and items for their profiles as well.

You can earn XP, level up, and earn items offline except for the items that are exclusive to the paid loot boxes.

Note that downloading the latest update removes all offline progression and adds a mandatory Epic Games account login, so it is recommended to stay unpatched for the best offline experience

Tested by DoesItPlay on Switch OLED