PS Vita
Silent Hill: Book of Memories
(ESRB - Standard)
Offline play
Download required
Tested by DoesItPlay on Vita OLED
Test Notes:
* Runs at 30 FPS.
* Observed an enemy get stuck in a corner and unable to attack.
* Observed karma pile dropped from enemy on top of an object and unable to be picked up.
* Observed issue where an enemy could not be locked on to and was invincible.
* Minor texture flickering and overlapping observed.
* All trophies earned unlocked properly.
Content Completed:
* Blood ending obtained.
* Most Valtiel missions completed.
* All 21 Story Zones fully explored.
Additional Notes:
* 5 trophies require multiplayer to acquire therefore the Platinum trophy cannot be obtained in solo play.
* Once you complete the story you can continue playing with the same character. The game will randomly generate zones after the 21 story zones are finished. Zone limit is 500.
* 2-4 players are supported for local multiplayer via Ad-Hoc however this could not be tested.
* Version 1.00 on cart.
* Cart ID: PCSE-00011
* Spine ID: PCSE-00011L
* Number of players: 1-4 (Single Player, Ad-Hoc Multiplayer)
* Audio language supported: English, French, Portuguese - (Brazil), Spanish
* Menu language supported: English, French, Portuguese - (Brazil), Spanish
* Subtitle language supported: N/A
* Accessibility options: N/A
* Quality/Performance option: No