PS Vita
Spirit Hunter: Death Mark
(ESRB - Standard)
Offline play
Download required
(*) Download required: Significant pieces of content are missing from this physical release or has major issues (more details bellow)
Tested by DoesItPlay on Vita OLED
Test Notes:
* Typos found in some dialogue.
* All trophies obtainable.
Content Completed:
* Main Story complete with both endings acquired.
* Platinum trophy acquired.
Additional Notes:
* No update available at the time of posting this test. (10/24/24)
* Chapter 6 must be purchased separately for $9.99 and is not included on the cart. This is considered a bonus chapter. Only the Vita version requires this. PS4 and Switch include the 6th chapter on the cart/disc.
* Version 1.00 on cart.
* Cart ID: PCSE-01279
* Spine ID: 2104100
* Number of players: 1
* Audio language supported: N/A
* Subtitle language supported: English
* Accessibility options: N/A
* Quality/Performance option: No