Yakuza 5 Remastered

Yakuza 5 Remastered

(USK - The Yakuza Remastered Collection)

Jun 20, 2019
  • Adventure
  • Sega
  • Sega Games
  • Ryū Ga Gotoku Studios
Offline play
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During in-game cutscenes pedestrian AI doesn't know how to move around each other and the protagonists of the scene. Pedestrians twitch, make weird turns and bump into each other, but will simply disappear before they would have hit any of the main characters.
In one early in-game cutscene the camera keeps twitching at every cut.
During several dialogues shadows or bright-lit surfaces in the background are flickering.
Minor shadow and texture pop-in.
During a substory Kiryu approached an NPC by crossing the street. A car passed in front of him, stopped and Kiryu got stuck in the car. The substory dialogue got stuck for 30 seconds, with no button prompts having any effect. The rest of the dialogue continued eventually, but Kiryu remained stuck in the car and in his walking animation.
Sometimes speech bubbles above the location or NPC of each characters personal side-questline read the current main character's name instead of the intended text. This is especially noticable in the first part where nobody knows Kiryu's name yet, but the secretary of the taxi company has "Kiryu" written over her head in several instances.
Very noticable screen tearing in a cutscene during the Finale. The same scene also suffers from flickering textures of the entire background architecture.
Despite the amount of technical issue the game is perfectly enjoyable from start to finish, including a huge amount of the side content.
Playtime ~100 hours = 31% overall completion.

Tested by DoesItPlay on PS5 BC