You Suck at Parking: Complete Edition

You Suck at Parking: Complete Edition

(ESRB - Complete Edition, Revision 000)

Offline play
Download required

Version 1.10.7 on cart. At the time of testing (Jan 2024), there is a patch to version 1.11.9.

First and foremost, when starting the game from the Switch menu, a message will pop up to turn off Airplane mode, but by pressing OK, the message can be bypassed. From there, the game will load to the title screen.
Once the player presses A to start, another message will appear stating: “You seem to be offline. Many features like leaderboards & progression will not be available while offline. Please check your internet connection and try again.” The player can select A to try again, or B to play offline. Once pressing B, the player will be welcomed into the main menu.

Regardless of the messages that appear at the beginning of the game, the game has a single player campaign that consists of several levels (over 120) with a total of 409 parking spots to conquer. A majority of these levels can be found under the “Campaign,” while some others can be found under “Campaign Inferno”. Both of these campaigns can be selected from the main menu.
The original campaign consists of two worlds, one area known as Grasslands, and the other world known as Antarcticar.
Campaign Inferno appears to be DLC that was added to the game, and it is fully playable from the cartridge, this particular campaign only has one area, known as Carchipelago.

From the main menu, there is also “Online Match” and “Private Match” that are selectable. Both of which are unavailable while offline. Another option that is shown on the main menu is the “Parking Lot”. There is a message that appears stating: “The Parking Lot is currently not available” with no indication as to what it actually is.

The player has the option to customize their vehicle, but unfortunately, there aren’t many options available. It appears that there are a lot of customizable items available to unlock, but those may be locked behind online battles, which we were unable to test due to playing completely offline without the latest patch.

For this test, we completed all levels, obtained all 409 parking spots and perfected all of them.

While in the overworld areas, the game has some frame rate issues causing a bit of a stutter.

Thankfully, most levels run fine.
Unfortunately, some levels do not run that great. Specifically, levels that have multiple AI vehicles on screen. These levels suffer from to constant stutter. In some cases, the game will freeze for a second or two when trying to load an AI vehicle. This doesn’t happen as often, but worth a mention.

There is some pop-in as well. Mainly noticed this when loading into an overworld area, especially when loading in grass and other assets.

Some slowdown was experienced as well. Most of the time, the slowdown lasted for a few seconds, but did not hinder gameplay.

There was one issue where the game seemingly froze while loading. The game got stuck on the loading screen for several minutes and we had to restart the game. This only happened once.

Overall, the game runs mostly fine with some frame rate issues on specific levels/overworld and some minor slow down and pop in.

Difficulty options: None.

Accessibility options: Text size can be adjusted. Camera distance can be altered to make the camera closer or further from the vehicle. Screen shake can be turned on or off. Show tips in the lobby can be turned on or off. Controller vibration can be turned on or off. Inverting horizontal or vertical input can be turned on or off.

Languages: English

No DRM. Played in handheld mode only.

Tested by Nintendo Revised on Switch OLED